Effect of cigarettes on animal life

There are studies that show that animals, including fish and birds, are affected by littered cigarette butts.  The ACT Govt will finally ban smoking in bus shelters – given all the other States have done so and the public support for it, this will likely go through. The public can give their support to this…

Our Fragile Planet

Our planet faces serious environmental challenges. Water shortages, global warming, land degradation, deforestation, ocean degradation, food shortages and species extinction are just some of these important issues. Many Australians understand the fragile nature of our environment and are taking action to reduce their personal impact. We are reducing car usage, using energy efficient light globes,…

Food for Consciousness

by Acarya Gunamuktananda Avadhuta Not so long ago we used to live in a world where we believed that the more we got the happier we would be. Now we’re in the middle of a paradigm shift where we’re realising that’s not true. Rather, to be really happy inside ourselves we’ve got to give as…

Usufructuary rights

“It is the responsibility of society to preserve and utilize the common property of the society in a proper way. Society should utilize this properly to ensure that all may enjoy equal usufructuary rights so that all can live together with a healthy body and a healthy mind.” – PR Sarkar – ‘The Responsibility of…

Rethinking Green Economics: Beyond the Triple Bottom Line (TBL)

by Roar Bjonnes (2015) The popular sustainability phrase, “People, Planet, Profit”, was coined by John Elkington in 1995, and in 1997, it was adopted as the title of the Anglo-Dutch oil company Shell’s first sustainability report. As a result, the 3Ps of sustainability have become a well-known icon of green economics in the Netherlands, as…

Importance of Block Level Planning

The smallest level of planning should be at the block level, followed by local government, state, national and global levels. The concept of a ‘block’ is fundamental to socio-economic planning. It is also essential for economic decentralization. There should be provision in the constitution of different countries and states for block-level planning for proper socio-economic development….

Change of Lifestyle for Our Benefit

We can easily adopt into our lifestyle: A Plant-Based Diet The greenhouse gases associated with the production of meat are comparable and possibly even more significant than the fossil fuel impact. And the demand for water associated with meat production is also huge making a heavy environmental footprint and thus impact on the planet. A plant-based diet goes a long…

Science of Communication

Notes from Workshop on Saturday 29 March 2014 – Science of Communication. Canberra, Australia. 2 main things to consider when relying on media of any sort: – Strategic measures (different for scientific matters being communicated); – Tactical steps (develop core skills across different areas of science). Commonalities: – Scientific facts/assertions do not convince people to change…

Suffering common for animals in factory farming

Factory farming – for profit not compassion The factory farming system of modern agriculture strives to produce the most meat, eggs and milk as quickly and cheaply as possible, and in the smallest amount of space possible. Animals are kept in small stalls or cages, often unable to turn around. They are fed growth hormones to…